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As RAYEL, we are a collective of Kurdish women committed to building resilient networks and relations of solidarity. Our name encapsulates the strength, connection we seek to foster within Kurdish women's struggles and between global movements. Rayel means strong and hard wire in Kurdish, metaphorically referring to the network we are trying to build between women. We strive to unite the stories of Kurdish women in Kurdistan and the diaspora and weave them into the broader tapestry of women's resistance, especially from the Global South. Our mission is to illuminate the shadows of oppression with the transformative light of collective knowledge and action.


By creating a dynamic and inclusive space for discussion, collaboration, and creativity, we are dedicated to turning our vision into action. We aim to strengthen our network by contributing writing articles, producing podcasts, organizing workshops, and hosting various activities that amplify the voices and experiences of Kurdish women. We aim to create a collective platform that bridges local struggles and global movements by facilitating active participation and dialogue, especially between Kurdish women and those who support this struggle. Our goal is to internationalize our efforts, building connections and alliances across borders while grounding our work in the shared realities of Kurdish women. Together we will cultivate a vibrant and resilient ground for solidarity, resistance and empowerment.

About Us


The organization's guiding principles reflect our commitment to dismantling systems of oppression through an intersectional lens. As Kurdish women, we experience the overlapping effects of patriarchy, capitalism, and racism in our daily lives, reflected in war, displacement, economic exploitation, and social marginalization. Recognizing that these systems are deeply interconnected, we take an intersectional approach to address the complex nature of oppression across race, gender, and class lines. Our mission is to question and resist these unequal, hierarchical structures in order to build a democratic future. 

Combining our experiences and narratives to produce collective stories is one of the most powerful ways to shed light on and exposed the hierarchical relationships and rights violations we face. Our stories challenge the status quo, rebuild our shared history, and inspire us to continue our struggle with even greater determination. By reclaiming and amplifying our voices that others have tried to silence, we are not merely documenting our experiences; we are expanding our  global movement that resonates with the slogan “Jin Jiyan Azadi” in many parts of the world. Through these narratives, as Kurdish women, we demonstrate that we are not only victims or resisters but also representatives and architects of a common future.

Solidarity is at the heart of our collective's core policies. We firmly believe in the power of collective action to bridge divisions, whether they are based on gender, race or class. We come together against the unequal and hierarchical order created at the intersection of patriarchy, colonialism and capitalism. Our alliances include individuals and movements committed to the freedom of all oppressed peoples. This reflects the global scope of our struggle and we aim to build a united front against the multiple forms of oppression that shape our realities. 


An important pillar of our work is to document, gather and amplify the fragmented experiences of Kurdish women across Kurdistan and the diaspora. Through oto-ethnographic research, collecting personal narratives, uniting related researchs and analysis and organizing visual archives, we aim to create a comprehensive record of our struggle. This archive will serve not only to expose the systematic patterns of oppression Kurdish women face, but also to serve as a basis for sustaining collective narrative. 


RAYEL clearly understand of the interconnected nature of Kurdish women's resistance and the broader Kurdish political movement. Kurdish women are fighting against patriarchy, capitalism and  national freedom. We stand in solidarity with Kurdish men in resisting colonialism and state violence. At the same time, we challenge the patriarchal structures that perpetuate gendered oppression. This dual commitment underscores the political depth and collaborative nature of our struggle.


By building strong solidarity networks, we aim to create meaningful connections between individuals and organizations. This includes organizing workshops, cultural or academic events and joint initiatives to address the multidimensional challenges facing women today. These collective efforts will amplify our voices and strengthen the reach of our resistance, enabling us to move towards common solutions. In this way, through solidarity, we can build a vibrant community based on mutual support and collective empowerment.

Our work is deeply informed by Jineology, feminist struggles and intersectional analysis. By critically engaging with these perspectives, we connect global feminist discussions to the unique challenges faced by Kurdish women. This approach allows us to understand intersecting systems of oppression.

As witnesses, participants, and agents of change, we stand together in the ongoing struggle for equality and freedom. And we repeat: It is "our" story that is being told! 


And it is a story of triumph!


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